
At Valley Striders AC, the welfare and safeguarding of our members is our priority. We follow and implement the UK Athletics safeguarding and bullying policies and procedures which can be found here (for adult policy)  and here (for child policy).

We have two Welfare Officers, Rebecca Whalley and James Slater (Lead Welfare Officer), who are responsible for the welfare and safeguarding of our members.

Becca VS website pic
Becca Whalley
Welfare Officer
James VS Website 2
James Slater
Lead Welfare Officer & Grand Prix Co-ordinator

If you have any welfare or safeguarding concerns for junior or senior members, please contact Becca or James at [email protected].

To read the Valley Striders AC Safeguarding Policy, please click here.

To read the Valley Striders AC Young Adult Transition Policy, please click here.