A fairly brief email about Peco XC, Training and Membership
The next Peco XC race
will be Sunday 22 January at West Park (Spen Lane). Race details will be at https://pecoxc.co.uk/pages/race3.html with information on where to park (please read!) and route maps.
The school year 2-6 race (10:00) is close to being an exact 1 mile (so a bit shorter than races 1 and 2) and the school year 7-11 race (10:20) is two laps (so slightly longer than races 1 and 2).
- If you’ve entered and already run one of the races, please remember to bring your race number otherwise you’ll need to pay for another (£3, I think).
- If you’ve entered and not run either the previous races, your number will be by the banner on race day.
- If you can’t remember whether you’ve entered, go to https://racebest.com/races/su6ea , find the panel that says “Latest Entries” and click on the button “See All”.
- If you’ve not entered go to https://racebest.com/races/su6ea and click on the black button “Enter Now” on the right hand side. The price is £7 which covers this and the final 2 races.
I hope everyone saw the cancellation notices last Tuesday – I’d done it on the website, on Facebook and sent everyone an email. For any future notices I will always do the website and Facebook so those are the places to look.
The long range weather forecast is 2 wet days followed by 2 dry days. Hopefully the pitches will dry out, but if not, our contingency plan is to have TWO groups on the roads (pavements), both meeting at Leos at 6:00pm.
- Richard will lead his usual 6pm “C” group (NB this will be a road session even if Leos is “fit”).
- I will lead the other group which will have a maximum size of 12. It will be open to anyone school year 6 and above. If you want to be in this group if training on the rugby pitch is cancelled you should indicate this when replying to the FB post. You may do this even if you requested the 4:45 or 5:30 group. If there are more than 12 applicants, I will select.
Membership fees
Hopefully all of you have seen the email on 3 January and/or the page on the website
Of the 147 junior members at 31 December, so far 3 have resigned, 65 have renewed and 79 haven’t made their mind up yet (I hope most of you will renew).
I realise that when we’ve cancelled one training evening and looking at options for partially cancelling a second, it isn’t the optimum time to ask you for money. But if you are wavering about paying the full amount, you could consider the Limited Training option or Social (no training) option both of which can be upgraded later.
(If you’re not sure whether you’ve paid, please see https://www.valleystriders.org.uk/members-area/club-information/membership-list/ – this page will be updated each week during January)
You will need to pay by the end of January to be able to come to sessions in February. Please pay as soon as possible!