Email to parents 31 August 2022

In this issue

  • Booking training for September
  • Training sessions in September
  • Track & Field meetings on 10 & 17 September
  • Cross Country leagues and meetings for Autumn/Winter (Peco, West Yorks, Leeds Schools etc) 
  • South Yorkshire Indoor League
  • Golden Mile
  • Club Handicap
  • Meanwood Trail Race


Booking training for September

I have 35 surveys in so far but would normally expect about 70.

Bookings so far (as at 30 August 11:59pm) – Banerjee, Barton, Bell, Bottomley, Brown(Evie), Burns, Burton, Butterworth, Davies, Deverill, Hartley, Herbert, Hirst-Sewell, Irvine, Jobson, Keene, Lubiecki, Lyons, Pailor, Rollings(Jess+Henry), Rugg, Shanks, Sheen, Smith(Charlie), Sykes, Traviss-Turner, Venning, Walker(Lucy+Thomas), Walmsley, Walsh, Watson, Watt, White, Whittle, Wilson

If you’re not in this list, please book at

By 10pm Thursday 1 September if you want to come on 6 September

Training sessions in September

We’re at GSAL on 6 September.

We also hope to be at GSAL on 13 September.  If so, because it will be very dark at 8pm we’ve asked you to book at 6pm or 6:45pm.  Please look out for more information.

On 20 September we will be at Leos and, because there are no floodlights at GSAL, Leos will be our home till the end of March 2023.


Track & Field meetings on 10 & 17 September

Although entries have closed for the West Yorkshire Championships on 11 September, there are still two more “open” meetings for new school years 5 and above.  These are at York on 10 September and at Wakefield on 17 September.


Autumn/Winter 2022/23 events

There are a lot of cross-country events between October 2022 and March 2023.  Some are for club members, others for schools.  Some are in a series/league, others are one-off events.  And there are a variety of age bands.

I’ve compiled details of these in a new page on the Valley Striders website

Peco Cross Country league

This is the local league that is suitable for all abilities.  Over 70 junior Striders ran at least one race in last year’s series.

There are 5 meetings between November and March and a relay race in March.  Dates are still to be confirmed.

Races are on Sunday mornings, approximately 1 mile for school years 2 to 6 and approximately 2 miles for school years 7 to 11.

And there is a scheme whereby the races are “free” to Valley Striders juniors.  Enter the series (cheaper than entering each race unless you only intend to run 1), then for each race run you’ll get a reduction on your membership fee when you renew your junior membership (this offer not applicable to Social members)

West Yorkshire Cross Country League

This is a little higher standard than Peco.  There are 4 meetings between October and December.

Dates and venues have been published and the first meeting is Saturday 8 October at Guiseley.  The other 3 meetings are on Sundays.

Entries are only via the club and need to be in by 18 September.

Schools Cross Country

There are two league series mentioned on my information page, but in both cases your school needs to sign up for the leagues.

South Yorkshire Indoor League

If you’ve been hooked on track & field this summer, then there are 4 meetings between October and March on the indoor track at the English Institute of Sport, Sheffield.

These meetings are for U11 (years 4&5), U13 (years 6&7) and U15 (years 8&9) only.

This is a very impressive venue with a 6 lane banked 200m track, a 60m sprint track and facilities for long jump, high jump and shot put.

Golden Mile

Something completely different – a chance to run a mile on an athletics track.

This event is at Beckett Park on Saturday 24 September

Age range 6 to 99. Separate heats for ages 6-11 and for ages 12-16. To enter

Club Handicap (all parents welcome to run)

Age 15 above, everyone welcome even if you’re a member of a rival club.

On Thursday 8 September, meet 6:15pm at the big gates at Wike Lane End for 4.8 miles on footpaths round the Harewood Estate.

See for more information.

Contact for any questions.

Meanwood Trail Race

Help needed to marshal our annual trail race on Saturday 10 September.  Race starts at 9:30am.  If you can help please email

If you want to run, entries are at