Wetherby 10Km 1st September 2019

After the success of our 0-5K Group in achieving their first parkrun we were asked “what’s next then?” We had absolutely nothing planned but a 10K seemed an achievable target, Wetherby 10K chosen and a training plan put together–we were off!!! From the original 0-5K Group there were 6 who took up the 10K Challenge which needed considerable commitment and training.

Thanks to all those from Valley Striders who gave up their time to help us lead the training sessions, it really has been appreciated but I think you actually enjoyed yourselves judging by the smiles on your faces.
The day dawned and all 6 were on the starting line, no drop outs due to injuries or any other excuses just a whole bundle of nerves for what was their first serious race. In all 19 Striders took part in the Event which was an excellent turnout.

The route is very much mixed terrain, fairly flat and some road sections but with a huge turnout of around 1000. Despite it being a big ask all the Magnificent 6 finished and we are so proud of them for that achievement. Huge congratulations Zoe, Helen P, Suweta, BK, Joanne & Helen M. The overall winner went round in 32.20 with the first Valley Strider (Adam Parton) in 85th place and a time of 41.21–well done Adam.

As we milled around recovering at the end of the race I gradually realised that there were whole swathes of the Magnificent 6’s families there who had come to support them! That was totally unexpected but wonderful to meet them all and put faces to people we had talked about whilst running. The following Tuesday we went off for a meal at Marinella’s Sicilian Restaurant where partners who had given so much support could join us and celebrate.

And of course the burning question is what’s next? Definitely something to challenge us but we will have to see–there will be something!

John and Jean

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